Can the Morpheus Network cash in on Shipping? — Market Mad House

Daniel G. Jennings
5 min readDec 12, 2019

The Morpheus Network (MRPH) hopes to give its cryptocurrency real value by leveraging one of the world’s largest industries-shipping.

In essence, Morpheus is marketing a better way to track cargo by combining blockchain and quick read code (QR) barcodes. The hope is to make cargo containers and other shipments easier to track with barcodes.

The idea is to create a permanent, easy-to-read, and tamper-resistant record of every shipment on the blockchain. Ideally, anybody could quickly access that record by scanning a QR Code with a phone or other gadget.

The QR Code and blockchain could create a permanent record of ownership and shipping in the blockchain. Thus, owners, customs officials, and others could identify each shipment and verify its ownership at the touch of an app.

Morpheus is a payment solution

Additionally, a smart contract or digital robot, written into the Morpheus blockchain could divulge all the pertinent information about the shipment. For example, the smart contract could contain the manifest and bill of lading.

For example, a smart contract could send a message notifying a shipper when a shipment arrives. In addition, a smart contract could notify a shipper each time…



Daniel G. Jennings

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.