SiteGround Alternative: Benefits Of Choosing Geek Crunch Hosting — Geek Crunch Hosting

Daniel G. Jennings
14 min readNov 20, 2020

If you’re looking for a SiteGround alternative then you’ve come to the right place! Geek Crunch Hosting is powered exclusively by GCH Cloud Platform and offers a unique and powerful approach to Managed WordPress Hosting. With GCH our entire platform is optimized for speed and scalability.

SiteGround is a great budget WordPress host for those just starting. They don’t utilize some of the same latest technologies that we do at GCH e.g. 10GBPS port speed — SiteGround only offers 100MBPS (+100MBPS as redundancy).

John Lacey


Is @SiteGround active on Twitter? Because my obscenely overpriced hosting just automatically renewed and I had no intention of continuing with this garbage and I am NOT HAPPY.

2:38 AM · Nov 9, 2020


Manifestation & Soulful Business Mentor


I love you @SiteGround but to have that much of an increase over two years is a joke. Which other hosting companies do you guys recommend? #hosting #bloggers

George Dyrrachitis


@SiteGround renewal prices are disgraceful, they charge x3-x10 prices for renewals, unbelievable. My renewal skyrocketed. Bye bye siteground, moving my blog and I will never go back.



Daniel G. Jennings

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.